Saturday, December 13, 2008

Moved in!

Well, in a fashion. A fashion of all the stuff needed to be a motorcycle workshop unloaded into a little factory in Oakleigh. Plus other stuff that will no doubt be thrown out once I come to the realisation that I really don't need all this crap.

Which leads me neatly into the award for sensational purchase of the week: a pallet truck. One of those things on the right. As I have nearly everything on pallets I can move it all around with this nifty little jigger. Which will be a real bonus as I try to remodel a factory that's about 2/3rds full of pallets with stuff on them. I'm enjoying it so much I'm sure I'll be moving stuff around just for the sake of it.

So now it's into getting set up for work. At this point of time I expect we'll be ready to go in the new year, but not before. More info and progress reports to come as the real work starts.


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